Upcoming Events
The 2024 Front Range Worm Symposium

Join us for The Front Range Worm Symposium 2024, a day-long symposium to learn how nematode worms are used to make groundbreaking insights into biological questions. Come meet your fellow Front Range nematologists, learn about current research happening in our area, and enjoy good food, drinks, and posters.
WyCoAz Lab Meetings
The goal of the WyCo Lab Meeting Series is to promote intellectual exchange within the community of C. elegans researchers of the Front Range and Western US. If your lab would like to join the group, please commit to scheduling your lab into a speaking slot and make an effort to attend other talks. Contact Erin Osborne Nishimura for details.
Instructions for Speakers
- Please prepare a 25-minute talk and expect interruptions and discussion
- Attendees should be encouraged to ask questions throughout the talk
- We will aim for 35 minutes per speaker including questions
- We will have 20 minutes reserved for concluding discussions (and technical challenges)
- Important! Please introduce your research clearly. The best talks introduce the overarching goals of the field, the goals of the lab, and the goals of the immediate project successively. Please reserve one slide to state the research question you will be addressing.
- This is a great way to get feedback on a project. Try to determine in advance any specific questions you will have for the audience.
Upcoming WyCoAz Meetings
- 2023 – 2024 Season will be announced at a later date
If you have a regional C. elegans talk you would like to advertise, please e-mail Erin Nishimura