Front Range Worm Symposium 2025

notes: I’m currently working on this. Contact me if you want to help, add content, or have questions. Erin Nishimura


This day-long symposium will feature regional life science advances from the Front Range Worms community. Meet your fellow, local nematologists, learn about cutting-edge research, and enjoy the beauty of Laramie Wyoming in June.

This year’s keynote speaker is Dr. Dustin Updike whose lab addresses how stem cells maintain their pluripotency by studying Caenorhabditis elegans germ cells and P granules.

This year’s organizer: Dr. David Fay (University of Wyoming)

<add downloadable .pdf file of program here>


Dustin Updike

Associate Professor
MDI Biological Laboratory
University of Maine



Keynote address at <time>, no registration required

<field & research description>

<research description>

<other description here>


<button for registration link goes here>

SCHEDULE (replace this for 2025)

 9:30 – 9:45Breakfast and coffee
9:45 – 9:50hosts
9:50 – 10:15Kelsie Eichel
CU Boulder
Cell-extrinsic and intrinsic mechanisms of axon initial segment development
 10:20-10:45Thiago KnittelCSUThe RNA binding protein RDE-4 is required for loading siRNAs into Argonautes
10:45-10:55Coffee Break
 11:00- 11:25Allison HallRegisC. elegans Afadin is required for epidermal morphogenesis and functionally interfaces with the cadherin-catenin complex and RhoGAP PAC-1/ARHGAP21 
 11:30-11:55Gabrielle ReimannUWyomingClass II PI3Ks in C. elegans Membrane Trafficking
 12:00 – 1:30pmLunch Posters, Taco Bar, Beers
 1:20 – 2:20workshop/panelsPanel: Is it worthwhile to do a PhD/Post-doc Abroad
Workshop: Graphical abstract with Illustrator
2:20-2:30Coffee Break
 2:30 – 2:45Ambika BasuCSUGuiding mRNA to nuclear periphery: Lessons from imb-2 in C elegans
 2:45 – 3:00Kaz KnightCSUInvestigating the role of post-synaptic mitochondria dynamics in activity-dependent plasticity
 3:00 – 3:15Shae MilneUWyomingPhosphatidylserine translocase recruits rme-1 and regulates endocytic recycling
 3:15 – 3:30coffee and cookies
 3:30 – 4:30Christian Frøkjær-JensenKAUSTLarge-scale gene perturbation and engineering in C. elegans
 4:30 – 5:00HostsConcluding Remarks Brainstorming

LOCATION – University of Wyoming

Science Initiative Building

Please join us at Avogadro’s Number, a classic Music and Beer student venue in Fort Collins, who shows how Fort Collins has attracted students, alumni and freethinkers for decades.

For those coming from outside of Fort Collins, we will arrange for day parking permits at CSU parking lot 440 just next to the Max Bus Line.

Red circle is the Parking lot 440 that will be available and just next to the Max line. Take the Northbound bus.

The Bus is free and runs every 15 minutes down Mason Ave. Mulberry or Laurel stops on the Northbound Max Bus both are close to Avogadro’s number.


The Symposium will start at 945 am, but plan to come early for coffee. We will have a taco bar for lunch with vegetarian and vegan options, and beverages from Avogadro’s with drink tickets. Be sure to let us know if you need anything specific for food when your register and we will make it happen. Have a seat outside in Avogadro’s patio for lunch but don’t forget to take your beer to the posters, ask questions, learn more about research in the front range, and build community and networks. In the afternoon, there will be another coffee break with cookies. Avogadro’s also has a cafe where you are welcome to purchase specialty coffees and other beverages.

Brainstorming for 2026

After the Keynote address, we will do some brainstorming and ask for your input for the next event in 2025. We’re interested in things like: where should we do it, who will organize it, and what format would we want? We will do this at Avogadro’s or depending on popular vote we can change to another venue in downtown.

Thank you to our sponsors

